Hello! I’m Colby, a quantum software developer at Photonic, Inc.
My background includes a mix of physics and computer science, and many of my interests lie where these subjects intersect. Most of my research work to date has focused on quantum information and its applications. The highlight has been my discovery of a new kind of electric current, which is responsible for emitting the longest wavelengths of light in Nature. Currently I’m finishing up some follow-up work which involves quantifying the quantum information content of this long-wavelength radiation.
On this site you can find out more about my research, as well as the courses I’ve taught both with UBC Physics and with the Master of Data Science program. I’ve also provided information on some completed and ongoing projects, and I’ll periodically update the blog with things I find interesting.
If you’d like to work with me, please reach out using the links below!
PhD, Physics – University of British Columbia 2022
PhD Thesis – Quantum Information in Electromagnetism and Gravity
MSc, Physics – University of British Columbia 2017
MSc Thesis – Eikonal Analysis of Linearized Quantum Gravity: a Functional Approach
BSc, Computer Science & Physics – University of Missouri 2015
Computer Science Capstone – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics on the GPU Using Python and CUDA